<iframe width=”92%” height=”425px” frameborder=”0” ;=”” src=”http://kevish.github.io/background/” style=” position: absolute; top: 5em; bottom: 10em; left:1em; right: 10em; z-index: 1;”></iframe>
I have always been intrigued by maps and data visualization. I am always looking for challenging yet exciting projects. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
#####Kevin Reinhardt #####Kevin@Mankatostatearcheology.org
- Linux
- Windows
- Python
######GIS Software
- ArcGIS
- GlobalMapper
- TransCAD
- ERDAS Imagine
- Google Maps API
- Leaflet API
- VisualSFM
- Meshlab
- ArcScene
##Topics I have more recently been working with:
- OpenLayers
- Javascript/JQuery
- Proj4js